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You can choose topics related to Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering in accordance with the JSSC JE syllabus. There are video lectures, eBooks, quizzes, tests, and a live online discussion forum.

1(1 Ratings) 7 Students enrolled
Subjects of this exam 3

JSSC JE Exam Date 2022

Exam Date: Second week of June 2022

Result Date: Last week of July 2022        

Note: If a change is made in the exam date by the JSSC then it will be updated on this website immediately, so keep visiting this website for the new updates.

JSSC JE New Application Dates Out. JSSC JE New Application Dates Out. The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission has released a total of 1289 vacancies. The JSSC JE recruitment exam is held for the selection of qualified and worthy candidates for the junior engineer position in various technical departments of the Jharkhand government. Engineers from branches such as civil, mechanical electrical & agriculture engineering can apply for the post. 

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The candidates who have a Diploma degree in a relevant Engineering field or hold a higher qualification can apply for these posts. The application process is online, and the candidates can apply online between 23rd January to 8th March 2022. Read below to know the details of the JSSC JE exam that an applicant should know before applying for the exam.

JSSC JE Recruitment Notification 2022 Overview

Exam Conducting Authority

JSSC JE official website

Name of the Post

Junior Engineer

Total Vacancies


Selection Process

Mains, and document verification

Starting for online registration

23rd January 2022

Deadline for online registration 

22nd February 2022

Deadline for fee payment25th February 2022

Exam Date and Time

To be announced

JSSC JE Vacancy 2022

A total of 285 vacancies have been released for the JSSC JE 2022 exam. The number of vacancies and the community-wise distribution of vacancies are made available in the official notification.





JSSC JE Apply Online 

As is the procedure these days, one has to apply online to attempt for most of the Government exams. The application form of JSSC JE will be released on the official website of the Commission.

Remember the following points before applying online for JSSC JE: 

  1. Always fill out the application form using a computer system. Filling from a phone can cause problems.
  2. Check your Internet connection before filling out the form. It should be stable and fast.
  3. Have your documents ready and scanned. They will need to be uploaded to fill out the application form.
  4. One must have a source for online payment. It can either be through online banking, UPI, or debit and credit cards.

How to Apply for the JSSC JE Recruitment?

One can apply for the JSSC JE recruitment exam by following the step-by-step instructions that are given below. Remember to fill out the form that is available on the official government website.

Step 1 - Go to the Commission's website
Step 2 - Now go to the Apply Online Section.
Step 3 - Select the JSSC JE Recruitment Application.
Step 4 - Fill in the application form correctly with all the required documents scanned clearly.
Step 5 - Accept that all the information that you have submitted is correct according to your knowledge and click on submit.
Step 6 - Now you will be taken to online payment where you have to submit the application fee. The application fee is different according to the applicant's community and other background factors.
Step 7 - Once the payment is processed, you will get your application number and enrolment number.
Step 8 - Print the form. You may need it in the future.

How to Correct your Online JSSC JE Application Form?

Once the application process is complete, the applicants will get a window to correct their mistakes in the application form. The corrections can be done between 28th February to 2nd March 2022.

JSSC JE Application Fee

The applicants have to pay a set amount of the application fee to complete the submission process. There are some concessions in the application given to some communities.


Application Fee

PWD candidates from Jharkhand


SC, ST candidates from Jharkhand

Rs. 50/-

All Others

Rs. 100/-

JSSC JE Selection Process 

The selection process for the JSSC JE recruitment consists of one single main exam. The candidates who get selected after the first stage will be selected after the verification of documents. 

Main Exam

This is the only stage of selection. This stage shall consist of 2 papers. Once a candidate qualifies at this stage, he/she is called for document verification.

Document Verification

The candidates who pass the second stage will be called for a document verification process and counselling to post them in government departments. 

JSSC JE Syllabus 

As the eligibility criteria for JSSC JE is an engineering degree or diploma, the syllabus is based on the coursework of those degrees. Along with the questions based on your field, one will be asked questions to test their general awareness as well as mental ability. To know the JSSC JE syllabus in detail.

Syllabus for Main Exam:

  1. General Engineering
  2. Mental Ability: Reasoning, numerical operations, coding and decoding, pattern recognition. 
  3. General Knowledge: Current affairs, important national and international events. 
  4. Hindi: Vocabulary, syntax, grammar, and comprehension skills. 
  5. Computer Knowledge: Proficiency in MS office, fundamentals of computer, transferring files, formatting documents.

Elective Subject: Based on the engineering specialization of the candidates. (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical)

Certificates Need for Candidate Verification Post Selection

The following certificates should be kept ready when applying for the exams as well as for the document verification stage.

  1. Educational certificates issued from University/ School Board
  2. Mark sheets of degree obtained
  3. Community Certificate (if applicable)
  4. No Objection Certificate from current employer (if applicable)
  5. Any Identification certificate with a photo such as Aadhar Card, Driving License, etc.

JSSC JE Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria are covered under the following points. Check them before you apply for the JSSC JE Recruitment exam.

JSSC JE Age Limit

The minimum age of a candidate to be eligible for the post is 18 years as of 01.08.2021. The maximum age for different categories is given in the table below.


Minimum Age

Maximum Age 


18 years 

35 years 

EBC and BC

37 years 


38 years

SC/ST40 years
JSSC JE Educational Qualifications
  1. One must have a Diploma in the concerned engineering branch from a recognized University/Institute.
  2. Candidates who possess higher qualifications will also be considered eligible.

JSSC JE Exam Pattern 

The exam consists of two papers. Each paper shall carry 120 questions and shall have a duration of 2 hours. The pattern for the exam is as follows: 

  1. A total of 120 questions will be asked.
  2. Each question carries 3 marks.
  3. For every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted.
  4. The questions will be asked in Hindi as well as English.
Paper 1General Engineering802 hours
General Knowledge40
Paper 2Elect/Civil/Mech Engineering1202 hours

JSSC JE Exam Date 

The exam date of the JSSC JE recruitment exam will soon be made available by the Commission. Sacred Gurukul will inform you as soon as the schedule is made available.

Exam Date for JSSC JE recruitment exam 
To be announced 

JSSC JE Admit Card 

The JSSC JE hall ticket will be released at least 10-15 days before the exam. The hall ticket will be available to download from the Commission's website. To know the complete process of how to access and download the JSSC JE hall ticket, check out the steps given below:

Step 1 - Go to the JSSC official website.
Step 2 - Go to the main menu in the right corner.
Step 3 - Under the Candidate's Corner, select the Admit Card.
Step 4 - Select your exam as JSSC JE and enter your roll number.
Step 5 - As your admit card opens, check the details and download it.
Step 6 - Print the admit card and keep it safe.

JSSC JE Cut Off 

JSSC releases the cut off marks of the JSSC JE recruitment exam a month after the exam date. The JSSC JE cut off marks will be based on various factors, such as the difficulty level of the paper, the number of applicants, the total number of vacancies, and the previous year's cut off marks. The JSSC JE expected cut off marks is provided below:






BC - I














































JSSC JE Answer Key 

You can download the JSSC JE answer key from the Commission's website. The JSSC JE answer key will be released a month after the written test. The answer key is helpful to judge your performance in the exam.

You can get the Answer key for the JSSC JE recruitment exam by the given steps:

Step 1 - Visit the Commission's website.
Step 2 - Under the Important Links, you will find the Answer Key section.
Step 3 - Follow the link and then select the JSSC JE Answer Key.
Step 4 - Download the document, and you can print it if you want to compare your answers.

JSSC JE Result 

To know the updates and details of the JSSC JE result, you can visit the official website. Along with the result, JSSC will also release the merit list. The merit list is the list of roll numbers of those aspirants who have cleared the examinations and will now be called for document verification.

One can get the JSSC JE result by following the given steps:

Step 1 - Go to JSSC official website.
Step 2 - You will find Results under Important Links. Click on it.
Step 3 - Select JSSC JE Results from the list.
Step 4 - Enter your details as asked. Click on submit.
Step 5 - Once your result is displayed, check the contents and download it.

Hopefully, this article on the JSSC JE Recruitment 2022 was informative for all the candidates. The candidates need to go through the official notification carefully before applying. The readers can download the Sacred Gurukul App in order to prepare for various engineering job exams.

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