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You can choose topics related to Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering in accordance with the BPSC AE syllabus. There are video lectures, eBooks, quizzes, tests, and a live online discussion forum. Take your preparation to the next level with Best BPSC Coaching in Patna.

5(74 Ratings) 964 Students enrolled
Subjects of this exam 4

About Course
This course is exclusively designed for the examination conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission about the post of Assistant Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering). The total duration of the course will be 400+ hours and the classes conducted either online or recorded lectures. During classes, the students will be exposed to the latest syllabus and pattern of the examination with a core focus will be to enhance concepts of topics covered in the examination syllabus. Special emphasis will be laid on improving the students' problem-solving ability by providing complimentary test series to the enrolled students in the course. The Written Test will be of two parts i.e. Part-I (Compulsory) and Part-II (Optional i.e. either Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical).  
Sacred Gurukul provides Comprehensive learning program for BPSC aspirants which makes your preparation stronger with Best BPSC Coaching in Patna.

BPSC AE SYLLABUS (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical)

Course Features

Classes Conducted Online Either Live or Recorded Lecture

Complete Syllabus

Solved Previous Year Question Paper

Includes Test Series and Study Material

Coverage of Technical & Non-Technical Syllabus

Approx. 400+ Teaching Hours.

The batch started on 1st June 2021 

Syllabus Covered

General English (Paper-01)

General Hindi (Paper-02)

General Studies (Paper-03)

General Engineering (Paper-04)

Optional Papers:

                      Civil Engineering I (Paper-05)

                      Civil Engineering II (Paper-06)

                      Mechanical Engineering I (Paper-05)

                      Mechanical Engineering II (Paper-06)

                      Electrical Engineering I (Paper-05)

                      Electrical Engineering II (Paper-06)

General English (Paper-01)

Vocabulary, Grammar Usage of Words, Indirect and Direct Speech, Parts of Speech, Translation of Sentences, Idioms and Phrases, Precise Writing, Cloze test, Comprehension, Fill in the blanks

General Hindi (Paper-02)

Vocabulary, Grammar Usage of Words, Indirect and Direct Speech, Parts of Speech, Translation of Sentences, Idioms and Phrases, Precise Writing, Cloze test, Comprehension, Fill in the blanks

General Studies (Paper-03)

Current Affairs – National & International, Indian Geography, Science & Technology, Environmental Issues, Indian Polity, History – India & World, Indian Constitution, Indian Economy.

General Engineering (Paper-04)

Engineering Mechanics. 

Simple Application of Equilibrium Equation. Equation of motion. Work, Power, Energy.

Surveying and Measurement 

Distance and Area measurement. Measurement of Direction, Slope, Elevation & Height. Common Survey instruments. Energy meter and their principal of working. Electrical shop instrument (Ammeter, voltmeter, Charge meter, Insulation tester) Mechanical Shop measurement instrument. Linear & Angular Measurement, Straight flatness roundness measurement.

Solid Mechanics 

General Stress & Strain and Consisting laws.  Transformation of stress and strain. Strain energy. Analysis of beam, column & Shaft Shear centre, Unsymmetrical Bending. Theories of failure

Engineering materials and construction

Bricks, Lime & Cement, Aggregate, Cast iron, Steel, Non-Ferrous materials. Timber, paint & miscellaneous materials, Consideration in Construction of masonry floors and walls, Testing of Engineering materials.

Elementary Engineering Electric circuit

Thevenin's Theorem, Circuit law. Principal of Superposition, the introduction of Periodic function, Series and parallel connection in steady AC, Circuit having an induction. Resistance and capacitance, junction transistor, junction diodes. Equivalent circuits, common emitter equivalent circuits, magnetic circuits. Ideal transformer, transformer as a circuit element. Electromagnetic energy conversion. DC & AC motor and generator performance.

Engineering Economy & Measurement

Economy Principles of engineering Project planning, CPM & PERT techniques. Construction Equipment’s & safety, Analysis of rates of important construction

Environmental & Ecology

Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Ecology

Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery 

Laminar & Turbulent flow, Concept of the boundary layer. Continuity equation. Bernoulli's equation, energy equation, flow measurement. , Dimensional Analysis & modelling. , One-dimensional study. , Impulse & Reaction Turbine. Pelton wheel turbine Reciprocating and centrifugal pump.

Heat transfer & Thermodynamics 

Production of heat transfer single and multi-layer bodies. Natural forced convection heat transfer Concept of the thermal boundary layer, Stefan Boltzmann law, the law of radiation, Kirchoff law, the concept of black and grey bodies. Thermodynamics process 1st & 2nd law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Rankine cycle

Civil Engg. I 


Structural Analysis

Structural Determinacy & Stability, Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structure beam, truss, frame and arches, Internal and external force and deflection

Matrix method: - Structural theorem stiffness and flexibility method, Elastic stability of column, Influence line diagram for determinate and indeterminate structure, Plastic analysis of beam and slab.

Reinforced Cement Concrete

Beam, Slab, Column, Shear and diagonal tension.

Concrete technology: - Ultimate load design and limit state design, Consideration of vertical and seismic forces in building frame design.

Design of steel structure

Tension, Compression, Flexural member, Roof truss, Plate girder, Bracket connection.

Design of Pre-Stress Concrete

Element of pre-stressed concrete structure, Losses of Pre-stress Concrete, Method of Pre-stress Concrete

Soil Mechanics

Geological forces and its determination, Rock formation and its classification, Nature and formation of soil, Properties and behaviour, Seepage, Consolidation, Compaction, Shear strength of soil, Stability of slopes, Soil stresses,

Foundation Engineering

Bearing capacity of the soil, Earth pressure theory, Retaining wall, Sheet pile, Shallow and deep foundation including pile, raft and well foundation, machine foundation, Expansive soil, Soil stabilization

Civil Engg. II 


Hydrology and water resource

General hydrological process, Run-off Estimation, Uses of the hydrograph, Empirical formulae, Probabilistic hydrologic analysis, Management of surface and groundwater,  Irrigation engineering principles, General water requirements for crops, Description of irrigation work, Flood-causes, damage and control, River behaviour, water drainage, surface as ground drainage, General principle of water power engineering.

Open Channel Flow

Description, Energy and momentum principle, Uniform, GVF and RVF flow, Element of fluvial flow, Sediments transportation.

Design of Hydraulic Structure

Design of dam, weir, barrages, canal and canal structure, Falls, cross drainage works, cross regulators, head regulators, canal outlets, Design of Embankment, Hydroelectric power plant.

Transportation Engineering

The geometric design of highway, Elements of traffic engineering, Pavement design, Highway materials, Maintenance of Highway, Element of bridge engineering, IRC classification, Behavior in consideration of load and superstructure.

Public Health Engineering

Water Supply:-  Population forecast, Types of pipe used in water supply, Construction of tube well and dug well, Design of slow sand filter and rapid gravity filter, Design of underground and overhead tank, Details of water supply installation,

Drainage and Sanitation:-  Surface drainage, Storm drainage soil sewerage, Design of trickling filter, Design of septic tank, Design of Imhoff tank, Details of sanitary installation.

Mechanical Engineering I 


1 Laws of Thermodynamics, Properties of Ideal Gases and Vapors, Power Cycle, Gas Power Cycle, Gas Turbine Cycle, Fuel and Combustion

2 Internal Combustion Engines CI and SI Engine Detection, Fuel Injection and Carburization, Performance and Testing, Turbo Jet and Turboprop Engines, Rocket Engines, Preliminary Studies of Nuclear Power Plants and Nominal Fuels

3 Efficiency and control of steam boiler, engine nozzle and steam turbine, modern boiler, types of steam turbine, steam flow through the nozzle, speed of impulse and reaction turbine etc.

4. Compressor Gas, Dynamics and Gas Turbine (Reciprocating Centripetal and Axial Drift Compressor, Speed ​​Chart Mach No. Effect of Flow on Efficiency and Performance (Isothermal Drift Vertical Shock and Nuzzle Flow Non-Turbine Cycle with Multi-Stage Compression Reheating and Revalidation)

5. Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Conduction, Convection and Radiation Heat Regulators, Types of Combined Heat Transfer on Total Heat Transfer Coefficient, Refrigeration and Hand Pump Aubeliz, Refrigeration Method Study of Performance Coefficients on Peychromatic and Pyro metric Charts Cobport Indias, Cooling and Dehumidification Methods.

6. Properties and Classification of Fluids Fluid Statics Physics and Principles of Accuracy and Uses Air Pressure Steam and Buoyancy Ideal Fluid Flow Level and buoyancy Flow Limit Level Theory, Flow-through pipe and open channel over immersed object, Dimensional structure and analogy techniques, Abstract Specific Velocity and Classification of General Fluid Mechanics Energy-Spaced Relationship Pump and Impulse and Reaction Performance of Water turbines and hydraulic power transmission

Mechanical Engineering II 


7. Principles of Mechanics Velocity and Acceleration (1) of a moving object (2) mechanical vibrational motion, inertia force in the machine Camp gear and geared flywheel and free and propulsive friction of balancing systems of gears and reciprocating bodies touching critical speed and soft rotation of

8. Machine Design Joints Threaded Pester and Power Screw Keys, Cotter, Grumman Chalet Barley, Transmission System, Belt and Chain Drives Wire Ropes, Soft Gear Winding and Rolling Wrinkles. Material strength

9 Relationship between two-dimensional stress and strain, Peacock's circle, Elasticity constant Bending torque, shear force and deflection, joint bending, direct and torsional stress, pressure analysis of thick-walled cylinders and spheres, springs and columns, principles of decay

10. Engineering Materials Alloys and Alloy Materials, Heat Variation, Composition, Properties and Uses, Elements and Other Engineering Materials.

11. Production Engineering Metal Machining, Shearing Tools, Shearing Materials, Meter and Machinability Measurement of Cutting Process Processes, Machining Grinding Drilling Production (Construction), Metal Fabrication, Metal Casting and Jointing, Dallies Special Purpose Application and Number-Controlled Machine Tools, Zipper and related objects

12 Industrial Engineering Work Study and Work Measurement, Wage Driven Production Method and Production Cost Theory of Plant Production Planning and Control Material Use Operation Research, Linear Programming Planning Theory Value Engineering, Instrument Analysis CPM R PERT, Use of Computer

Electrical Engineering I 


1. Electrical Circuits - Network Theory, Network Response, Impulse and Geometric Input in Ramp, Step, Frequency Effect Field Analysis, Sections of Network Connectivity Network Components

2. EM Theory (Electromagnetic Theory) - Study of electrostatics and magneto statics, study of fields in di-electric conductors and magnetic-materials, time-variable fields, Maxwell's equation, conductors and propagation of plane wave in di-electric medium, transmission line properties

3. Meteorology (Electric Matter Materials) Band Theory, Static and Alternating Fields of Dielectrics, Conductivity of Piezo Electric Metals, Magnetic Properties of Superconducting Materials, Dia Paro and ferro Magnetism, Conduction in Semiconductors, Hall- Effect.

4. Electrical Measurement Principles of Measurement Dredge Measurement of Circuit Parameters, BIBA and CBO Motor Chromatic Analysis Transducers and Measurement of Non-Electrical Objects, Numerical Measurement, Telemetering, Data Recording and Display

5. Components of Estimation Digital Method Algorithmic Flow Tabulation Storage, Type Statement Systematic Concatenation, Mathematical Expression, Logical Expression, Allocation Statement Program Structure, Scientific and Engineering Application.

Electrical Engineering II


6. Power Tools and Methods Electro mechanics, Theory of Transformation of Electro-mechanical Energy, Analysis of DC Synchronous and Perm Machines Machine in Powered Meter Control System, Transformer Magnetic Circuits and Drives Selection of Motor for Power System Electricity Generation Water and Nuclear Electricity Transmission of corona effect, Bundle Drivers, Electrical Safety, Economical Operational Load-Frequency Control, Stability Analysis.

7. Control method Open loop and closed loop method Feedback analysis Root locus techniques, stability, compensation and design techniques, state variable approach.

8. Electronic and Communication - Electronic Solid State Devices and Circuits Boolean Algebra, Logic Circuit, combinatorial and sequential numerical circuit communication Signal analysis, signal transmission, Modulation Research Various types of communication method Functions of communication method.

BPSC AE Recruitment Notification 2020 & 2021

BPSC AE Result of (02/2017) (Tentative Date 19/07/2021)

This is regarding advt. no. 02/2017 for those candidates who remained absent due to being infected with COVID-19. Interview Scheduled between 25 June 2021 to 27 June 2021.

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) recently released a recruitment notification for Assistant Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil) in the Urban Development & Housing Department Bihar. Candidates looking for a career in the engineering field should not miss this opportunity. There are a total of 270 vacancies that are to be filled under this BPSC AE Recruitment.

Keep reading this article to know detailed information about the same.

The Written Test will be of two parts i.e. Part-I (Compulsory) and Part-II (Optional i.e. either Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical). The selection process for the BPSC Assistant Engineer will be based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the written test. The BPSC AE Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical Exam Dates regarding advt no- 03/2020, advt no- 07/2020, advt no-08/2020, and advt no-09/2020 which were scheduled for April 2021, have been postponed till further notice. The BPSC AE Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical Exams regarding advt. no. 02/2020, advt. no. 08/2020, advt. no. 09/2020 and advt. no.04/2019 is scheduled for April 2021, have been postponed till further notice. The BPSC AE Civil and Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical regarding advt. no. 01/2019, advt. no. 02/2019, advt. no.03/2019 and advt. no.04/2019 is scheduled for March 2021, have been postponed till further notice.

The BPSC AE Civil recruitment regarding advt. no. 02/2017 is currently in the interview stage.

The BPSC recently released the interview schedule for those candidates who could not attend the interview due to being infected with COVID-19. The interview has been Scheduled between 25 June 2021 to 27 June 2021. In this article, you will get all the details like Important Dates, Vacancy, Selection Procedure, Exam Pattern, Application Process, and more regarding BPSC AE Recruitment 2021.

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